Rehabilitation Center of Youth

Finance Policy


This policy is developed to focus on the tasks related to the management and Supervision of financial aspects, as well as the review and assessment of all financial and accounting policies and systems. And this policy considers and determines the view and development with harmonization and also concentrates and underlines the work of organization and donors that got held accountable by them, It should  be  the  organization's  policy to maintain  good  accounting records  based  on Generally Accepted  Accounting  Principles the finance manager and the head of ORG is responsible to oversee  all the procedure with implementation.  Specifically, the Executive Director will adhere to the following internal controls: 

  • Finance procedure activities will be control systematically day-to-day including travel, procurement processes, asset control, hiring and evaluation.
  • All finance  staff  must have  copies  of policy  and  procedures, and  any  program or administrative  staff  affected by  the  policy &  procedures  must be  oriented  in their importance.
  • As the Director approves the manual, all changes should also be approved by the Director. Changes in formats should be done by the central office and after approval distributed to all managers or admin and finance officers whatever is relevant.

RCY will revise this policy according to the needs and in normal circumstance it should be revised and improve annually by bringing the necessary changes with consensus of directors and other senior staffs.

Human Resource (HR) Policy


RCY designed this Human Resource Policy (HRP) to provide guidelines and internal procedures for RCY’s employees, especially for management team to legally perform their tasks effectively and efficiently. This policy explains the working conditions, benefits, and policies affecting the employment. The procedures which contained in this Policy apply to all employees.

This Policy contains information on personnel policies for all employees working for RCY. It answers many questions about everyday working matters, as well as relationships with RCY partners, stakeholders, and service providers. RCY employees are encouraged to get to know this handbook, which explains operating policies, procedures, and practices with relation to HR.

This Policy is a roadmap for RCY management team to regulate all administration activities. All managers and other employees should make themselves familiar with its contents and procedures. This policy will serve to regulate work of all levels of personnel of RCY. Failure to comply with these regulations will be faced with disciplinary and appropriate action.  This Policy will be reviewed after two years by director and senior staffs for the purpose of bringing future changes and updating and all valuable comments of employees will be considered by approval of executive director. 

Gender Policy


RCY commits itself to ensure that gender equality is fully incorporated in all its’ works to overcome violation and poverty effectively. RCY seeks to promote equal realization of dignity and human rights for girls, women, boys and men, and the elimination of violations, poverty, and injustice and by articulating common standards and commitments.

Procurement Policy


This policy is developed to focus on the tasks related to the management and supervision of procurement aspects, as well as the review and assessment of all procurement policies and systems. And this policy considers and determines the view and development with harmonization and also concentrates and underlines the work of organization and donors that got held accountable by them, it should be the organization's policy to maintain good procurement records based on Generally Accepted Procurement Principles the Logistic Officer and the head of organization is responsible to oversee all the procedure with implementation.  Specifically, the Executive Director will adhere to the internal controls.

RCY will revise this policy according to the needs and in normal circumstance it should be revised and improved annually by bringing the necessary changes with consensus of directors and other senior staff.

Internal Audit Policy


Presently there is no statutory or regulatory requirement for RCY’s to have an audit policy. it is appropriate that RCY have a documented audit policy approved by the audit committee of the board of directors as a part of their oversight function RCY considers Internal Auditing as an independent and objective consulting activity designed to add value and improve the organization’s operations. It assists the organization in accomplishing its objectives by bringing a systematic and disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of the organization’s risk management, control and governance processes. The responsibilities of Internal Audit function are defined by this Policy. The procedure of audit needs to be documented for the different streams of activity vis sub office operations, main office and other establishments, information system etc. Separate Audit manuals should be prepared for all audit streams to facilitate the audit activity.

RCY will revise this policy according to the needs and in normal circumstance it should be revised and improved annually by bringing the necessary changes with consensus of directors and other senior staff.

Safety & Security Policy


RCYs’ safety and security policy is covering all its staffs and relating to offices engaging with programs, projects implementation and activities. It governs the safety and security principles applying to RCY visitors including, staff members, assistants, volunteers, consultants and other teams. 

Anti-Fraud, Anti-Corruption and Whistleblowing Policy


Corruption is an insidious plague that has a wide range of corrosive effects in the societies of most countries. It undermines democracy and the rule of law, this leads to violations of human rights, distorts markets, erodes the quality of life and allows organized crime, terrorism and other threats to human security to flourish. This evil phenomenon is found in all and small, big, rich and poor countries that Afghanistan is one of the huge corrupted countries in the world and there is need for combating and mitigating of this bad phenomenon by all parties, especially NGOs. 

RCY plays a significant role to combat fraud and corruption inside and outside the organization to ensure transparency and accountability of projects and programs and strengthening the RCYs’ employee’s’ capacity to prevent fraud and corruption.  Any act of fraud and corruption in RCY activities, funds, assets, properties and other resources must face the perpetrator from disciplinary measures, dismissal of contract and introducing to government relevant departments for investigation.  As the fraudulent and corrupt practices can also seriously damage RCY reputation and diminish donors’ trust in its ability to deliver results in an accountable and transparent manner. Furthermore, it may affect staffs and personnel effectiveness, motivation and morale, and impact on the Organization’s ability to attract and retain a talented work force.

RCY is very sensitive and has zero tolerance against fraud, corruption and misuse of propjet resources. We believe that corrupted and misappropriated staffs will highly damage the organization Reputation among the community, results in low work quality and lose the trust of funding clients to support the project. As such, this Policy is intended to preserve the reputation and integrity of RCY as well as that of all persons affiliated with it.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy


Money laundering is the process of concealing the criminal origin of money or other assets (such as raw materials), so they appear to come from a legitimate source. It is illegal, unethical and facilitates criminal conduct.

Failure to address the risk of money laundering could undermine our reputation and lead to investigations, fines and/or other penalties for the organization and/or individuals.

This Anti-Money Laundering Policy sets out RCY’s approach to ensuring that we comply with all applicable laws and regulations to prevent money laundering and appropriately manage money laundering risks.

Child Protection Policy


This policy is a statement of intent of RCY that demonstrates a commitment to protect children with/for it works, from abuse and harm. RCY adopts this Child Protection Policy in order to comply with Art. 19 of UN Convention on Rights of the Child regarding protection of children from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, etc. 

RCY Focus: RCY protect and promote the Rights of Children in Afghanistan regardless of caste, gender, creed, race, color, religion and ethnicity with the use of law and legal system of the country.

RCY Position on Child Protection: RCY believes that every place in the world should be child-friendly and children have a right to live in a safe and happy environment. We express our sincere commitment to safeguard the children that we come in contact with, from abuse and harm.

Key Principles and Beliefs: RCY believes in certain principles for prevention of child abuse in its work atmosphere.

  • Child Abuse is never acceptable.
  • Child abuse is preventable.
  • Child abuse involves the abuse of children’s rights.
  • Children have rights to protection from abuse and harm.

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Policy


Sexual Exploitation and Abuse is an unacceptable phenomenon in any society, which brings the most damage to its victims all over the world, especially in Islamic countries. Afghanistan is one of the countries that has suffered the most during the long time of wars. Sexual Exploitation and Abuse is a form of cruelty to human beings that causes the most psychological damage to the victim. And it is a kind of human rights violation.

RCY plays an important role in eliminating this terrible action and the worst deed within the organization and in implementing projects. Moreover, it does not allow anybody associated with the organization to be a part of the violence. Therefore, it has formulated such a policy to give employees and people in connection with this organization as social connecting network.